ABAS Event Calendar

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Join ecologist, botanist, and ABAS bird hike leader, Roger Hedge, as we look for migrating fall warblers and year-round residents in this 232-acre park in Hendricks County. We’ll meet at the Nature Center at 8:00 am and bird on foot from there. The trails are well defined and the terrain is flat.

The Nature Center opens at 10:00 am and has modern restrooms, as well as a bird feeding viewing area.

There is no fee for the field trip. However, it is limited to 10 participants, and registration is required. Priority registration will be given to ABAS members through September 1, 2021, at which time if there are any spots available, registration will be open to non-members.  Email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com to reserve your spot on the field trip.

Please remember to dress for the weather, wear comfortable walking shoes, and bring any water, hats, bug spray, and sunscreen you need.  As always, bring your binoculars.  If you have any questions, please contact Chuck Anderson.

Photo courtesy of Chuck Anderson.

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