ABAS Event Calendar

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Join us as Earl Simon leads us through Sargent Road Nature Park (SRNP). Earl is a member of the board of the Mud Creek Conservancy which is instrumental in the development of SRNP.  This will be prime time for viewing warblers and other migrants. The terrain is flat with a mowed trail for easy accessibility.  Dress appropriately for the weather conditions and don’t forget your binoculars.  There are no restrooms available at the park.
The field trip is limited to 12 participants and registration is required. Local ABAS members can register prior to March 17th after which time, if there are spots available, anyone may register. To register email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com or text Chuck at (317) 767-5438.
The wearing of masks is required but may be relaxed at times at the discretion of the hike leader if we can maintain social distancing.
SRNP is located at the intersection of 82nd Street and Sargent Road, Indianapolis. The entrance to the park is off Sargent Road just south of 82nd Street. The address given is approximate.
Hooded Warbler courtesy of Chuck Anderson.

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