ABAS Event Calendar

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Join experienced birder and field trip leader, Scott Enochs, as he leads you on a bird hike at Sodalis Nature Park in search of migrating warblers and other spring arrivals.  Sodalis is known as one of the most productive birding hotspots in Hendricks County.  170 species have been recorded there, including 34 warbler species.
Trails through the park are a mix of gravel and dirt and are normally an easy walk, but interior trails can become very muddy after moderate rain.  Appropriate footwear is recommended. We’ll meet in the parking lot at Sodalis Nature Park.
The field trip is free but limited to 12 participants and registration is required.  Priority registration is available to ABAS members through April 15, 2021.  After that date, if any open spots remain, non-members may register.  To register email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com or text Chuck at (317) 767-5438.
Masks will be required for the majority of the bird hike.  There may be times when we can spread out and get a break from the masks.

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