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Attention birders! Have you ever wanted the opportunity to improve your shorebird identification skills? Look no further than the Eagle Creek Ornithology Centers Shorebird ID workshop! With over 34 regularly occurring shorebird species found in Indiana annually, shorebirds can be a fun yet challenging group of species to confidently identify. Join Eagle Creek Ornithology Center naturalist, Aidan Rominger on August 31st, 2023 where he will go through IDing shorebirds in both fall and spring plumage, as well as other useful tips that make identifying these challenging birds easy. The first half of the class will be inside in the Eagle Creek OC classroom, and the second half, if there is habitat and shorebirds present, we will go out and look for any shorebirds we can find in the park putting the classroom skills to the test!

The workshop will be located at the Eagle Creek Ornithology Center, and will be held from 5:30pm-7:30pm on 8/31/2023. Pre-registration required. There is a $10 sign-up fee for all adults over 19 years old attending the program. All participants under 19 can attend for free with a registered adult! Park admission included. Register here:

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