Sodalis Nature Park – September 30, 2023

On a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning, several birders joined bird hike leader Scott Enochs for a morning of birding. After donuts and quick introductions our hike began. This was the first time a few of the birders had ever been to Sodalis NP. Around the lake we quickly picked up Mallard Ducks, a Pied-billed Grebe, and a pair of Great Blue Heron. We then started down the trail in search of migrating warblers.

The fall migration had started ten days to two weeks early this year and many of the target birds had already passed through the park. Still, we managed to see Black-throated Green Warblers and Bay-breasted Warblers in addition to several Swainson’s Thrush, and several expected year-round birds. In total, we saw 31 species. Thanks goes to Scott for leading a fun morning of birding.