Indiana Lakefront Field Trip

January 14, 2023

Seven diehard birders arrived at Washington Park in Michigan City for a morning of birding. The group was led by Scott Enochs, experienced field trip leader and Indiana Audubon Society board member. The temperature was hovering just over the freezing mark with light winds. The highlight of that stop was a single White-winged Scoter that was in easy scope view from the pier. From there it was off to Beverly Shores where we were able to both hear and spot one of our target birds, a Northern Shrike.

Our next birding location was the Port of Indiana where we added both a Lesser Black-backed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, and several duck species to add to our growing list of birds seen. The final stop was at the Portage Lakefront and River Walk where we all got great looks at an Eared Grebe, our highlight bird of the trip.  It was closely associating with a Horned Grebe which made the id much easier. Also present was a Red-throated Loon.

Five of us decided to try for the Mountain Bluebird on the drive back to the Indy area. Dave Benson forwent a quick stop for lunch and was able to catch a glimpse of the bird. The remaining four of us arrived shortly thereafter and the Mountain Bluebird was no where to be found. After and hour and a half of looking, three of us decided to continue the drive home. Scott Enochs stayed an additional 75 minutes and was rewarded with a sighting just before dusk.

In all, thanks to Scott’s leadership, it was a fun outing and greatly enjoyed by everyone.

Photo courtesy of Chuck Anderson.